Bennie Hart.

Bennie Hart.

Hi, I’m Bennie!

I’m a photographer based in Flagstaff and Scottsdale, AZ. Currently, I am a photography major at Northern Arizona University.

Every day I fall a little bit more in love with the world of photography. I began my journey in ninth grade and I’ve appreciated every step along the way. In high school, I was a part of the photojournalism program where I discovered my true passion in life.

I consider myself to be a creative portrait photographer. Creating imaginative scenes is what brings me joy. I love toying with shapes and colors to depict the feelings I want to portray. Color is what my work revolves around. In a way, I like to consider my photos to be like paintings because of how I manipulate color.

In addition to people, I also enjoy taking portraits of animals. Underwater photography is also a favorite of mine. I’m open to event photography due to my photojournalism experience as well. I’m always looking to expand my skill set. If I didn’t describe something you’re looking for, shoot me a message!

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”
— Ansel Adams